Everything went well
We will contact you as soon as we have processed your application.
What can you do now?
In order for our call to your request to be as effective as possible, and for us to have a factual conversation, you can send us:
- Cadastral number of the parcel you are consideringIncluding the cadastral area or the name of the nearest municipality.
- Alternatively, you can send us the land marked on the mapPlease add the name of the nearest village or attach a preview of the map in a larger scale so that the nearest larger village can be seen on the map.
- Why do we need the information above?We need the location of the land in order to be able to verify whether the land / location you are considering is suitable for your investment plan.
You can send us the above by e-mail info (at) colonyglamping.com.
We consider the documents sent by you to be confidential.